Cub-O-Ree 1997
"Cubs of the Caribbean"
Wotamalo District
W.D. Boyce Council, BSA
September 20, 1997
9:00 .am. to 3:00 p.m.
Oakwood Park,
Morton, IL
The Cub-O-Ree Story
Our Cub-O-Ree is a one-day event that kicks the Cub Scouting Year off with a "BANG!" Co-Chairmen Steve Dodd and Rich Little scheduled eleven 25-minute program areas.
After a brief Opening Ceremony, the groups of Scouts rotated through these stations:
- Defending the ship against the Fearsome Sea Creature
- Face Painting
- Dress-Up Relay
- Crafts (made their boats)
- Rain-Gutter Regatta
- Capture the Flag
- Obstacle Course
- Treasure Hunt
- Walking the Plank
- Costume Craft (Eye-patches, etc.)
- Enemy Ship off the Port Bow!
Scouting activities "run on paperwork!" Here Barb Pope, District Cub Program Chairman, puts finishing touches on some of the arrangements for the day.
Barb is assisted by Sara Garman, Pack 84, Tremont (foreground) and Kelly Hadfield, Pack 257, Eureka, in figuring out "who should go to which activity area when." Barb, Kelly and Sara prepare the "Cubmaster Packets" which contain maps and schedules. All "registration activities" were "by Pack."
Chairman Steve Dodd, standing tall near the flag, welcomes the Cubs and their parents and outlines the day's activities. The total attendance was approximately 240 Scouts and 100 parents.
Chairman Steve Dodd, looking every bit the "scurvy pirate leader", surveys the "sea of Cub Scouts" during the opening ceremony.
Now a "tradition", there are 220 freshly screened t-shirts, sweat shirts, etc. drying on the make-shift drying racks.
The "rules" are simple... pin your name and pack number inside the back collar (or front collar, if it should be screened on the back.) If it doesn't have a collar, (e.g. like a pillow case or beach towel), pin it above and to the left of where the image should be. Completed work is returned to the pack's CM at the end of the day for distribution. Screened and air-dried on-site!
Chairman Steve chaired the selection of the T-shirt design.
Ana Wagner, Cub Scout Round Table Commissioner and Silk Screening team member. Ana was Chairman of our first Cub-O-Ree in 1995. Growth has exceeded 50% each year!
Ana's T-shirt is a "combination job" from POW WOW '96 (Barb designed it, Stan screened it, and the talented Zora Williams, wife of Cub Day Damp Program Director, Wayne Williams, decorated it.)
Yoeman adjusts the cannon in preparation for the next volley at the Fearsome Sea Creature off the starboard bow.
The "fearsome sea creature" appears to be a cross between the Loch Ness monster, "Nessie", "Barney", and a refrigerator carton.
One of the "first mates" talks to a camera-shy family. In the background, small groups of Cubs and parents "do lunch" among the trees.
The "dress-up" relay race begins with the donning of rather large cloth gloves.
The next step in the "dress-up" relay race involves jeans and a sweat shirt that belong to 6'6" Co-Chairman Rich Little.
Young pirates race the boats that they made in the craft area. "Watch out for changes in the wind."
Parents and leaders enjoyed the opportunity to sit down and watch the boat races.
The "Obstacle Course" begins with a quick trip through the hanging rings.
The "Obstacle Course" continues with a run up the ship's rigging to ring a bell. (That bell looks like the same "gong" they use on the D.E. at Cub Round Table!)
On the last part of the "Obstacle Course" pirates walk a rope bridge across to another ship. Only a few were lost in the shark-infested waters below.
"Is that a bowline around that pirate's waist, Captain?"... "No, it's a rope."
Pairs of pirates "walk the plank." For the first round, the planks are on their sides... For this round, the planks are "on edge," which separates the real pirates from the "pirate wanabees."
"Cannonballs" are prepared by the crew.
"Ahoy, Captain... a ship approaches off the port bow! It's riding low in the water, so there is probably lots of booty aboard."
A "Pirate Trainee" prepares to fire on the approaching ship. Note the remains of his stay in the "face painting" station.
Cubmaster Dan Hadfield tries to defend his ship by "batting away" the incoming cannonballs. That's a mighty big bat, Dan!
A different form for firing the cannon.
"Man, this cannon has a big 'kick'!"
Another technique...
With good follow-through.
Latest update: 1/11/98
Copyright 1997 © by Stan Pope. All rights reserved.