(Download MIDI file "firstcs.mid")
Ma-ny years a-go on this ver-y night Some peo-ple ga-thered 'round a camp-fire's light Ev-'ry-one was say-ing the world was in a mess Not e-nough peo-ple try-ing to do their best. (So...)
Chorus: ...They took a lit-tle Blue and they took a lit-tle Gold They took a lit-tle boy about eight years old Turned him a-round and lo and be-hold That's how it came a-bout The night they made the first Cub Scout.
Now they come in ev-'ery size, they come in ev'ry shape And ev-'ry-where they are, the world's a bet-ter place Ev-'ry Bob-cat and Bear, ev-'ry Wolf and We-be-los Re-mem-bers that night ma-ny years a-go. (When...)
(Repeat chorus)
Ti-ger Cubs are new, the boys aren't ve-ry old You know it won't be long be-fore they wear the blue and gold To Search, Dis-co-ver, Share with their par-ents in tow Hea-ded down the path that star-ted years a-go. (When...)
(Repeat Chorus)
Lea-ders are the ones who make the pro-gram go And Trai-ners are the ones to put the lea-ders in the know How the Pro-mise and the Law help the Cub Scout Grow And Blos-som on the trail that star-ted years a-go. (When...)
Oh, yes, ...