Latest revisions:
9/11/99: Permit display of multiple simultaneous charts.
12/8/99: Correct Chart type for case 6 Lanes, 31 Cars.
12/28/99: Correct Chart type for case 5 Lanes, 9 Cars, 2 Rounds
2/16/2000: Add tab-delimited output.
4/8/2000: Improve "keep heat counts even" ordering algorithm and
improve descriptions in the input form.
4/15/2000: Reformat and retitle the page;
provide diagnostic output option;
put "separate scoresheet" on a separate page.
5/2/2000: Correct chart type checking for Complementary Perfect N Charts.
5/27/2000: Reduce script size to accomodate some browsers;
Show estimated time to order charts if estimate exceeds 30 seconds.
1/17/2001: Increase car limit to 200
1/23/2001: Add charts for 13 and 19 cars on 3 lanes.
3/21/2001: Updated zip file to current.
1/31/2004: Corrected 5 lane charts for 60 to 200 cars.
1/31/2004: Updated zip file to current.
3/11/2014: Possible issue with Chrome.
11/20/2014: Chrome issue resolved. Don't block pop-ups!
1/1/2019: New browser implementations found error which prevented generation of charts. Prior version retained in ppngen_2017.html.
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2014, 2019 © by Stan Pope and
All rights reserved. Permission is granted to store this file unchanged on your computer for "off-line" chart generation for your pack, district, or council races.